Monday, November 9, 2015

Chemical Composition Week 2 Post #1

My aha moment for this unit has finally come! I actually understand how to find molar mass, and how to change mass to moles to representative particles, and vice versa. I used to get so confused, with all the steps and the length of the math problems but now it's finally clicked for me! I'm so glad I understand now because we have a quiz tomorrow and I probably would have failed without the help of my lab partner explaining the process to me again in class today. I also found the following websites and pictures to be very beneficial.


  1. Thank you for the mnemonic device to remember the diatomic molecules! I had no idea how to remember them before this.

  2. These are good links to use for studying. Most of the pictures are helpful but I think I'll stick to Mrs. Frankenburg's HOFBrINCl, just to stay on the safe side of not having a meeting in Dr. Wedlock's office due to discussions of 'Ice Cold Beer". lol
