Sunday, November 22, 2015

Chemical Reactions Week 2 Post #2

Tomorrow is the dreaded weekly quiz. I feel more prepared for this quiz than the last unit test, and after getting my score on that test, I'm definitely going to spend more time studying this time around. Below are some links I found super helpful for studying:

CHO Method

Types of Chemical Reactions

Practice Balancing Combustion Reactions

Practice Balancing Chemical Equations

Redox reactions

Assigning Oxidation Numbers

Chemical Reactions Week 2 Post #1

On Friday we did the Solubility Rules Lab. I was worried because my lab partner had already said she wouldn't be here, but the lab turned out to be really easy, so I was relieved. For the lab we mixed two different chemical compounds together to see if it made a solid. Since I had already completed the data table, I had a pretty good idea of which ones would react and which ones wouldn't. I was right except for about 2 of the chemical combinations. Overall I liked this lab and it was pretty fun.

These are some of the reactions we got to see take place!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Chemical Reactions Week 1 Post #1

Finally!!! Something I understand!! Today we learned about balancing chemical equations, which is like the one thing I actually remember from physical science. Not only do I remember it, I remember how to do it, AND I'm pretty good at it! I'm so glad for this unit because I really need this breather from learning all knew information at a fast pace. Yes, I know we will build on this information and it will get more complex as the unit goes, but I'm hoping that since I have a solid understanding of the base material I won't have such a hard time when all the complex stuff gets thrown at us.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Chemical Composition Week 2 Post #3

Today we got our test grades back. My grade reflected the feeling I had about the test, dread. I missed 5 questions, which in ordinary circumstances would be pretty good, but seeing as there were only 17 questions total, that makes for a 70%. I looked back over my test today at the questions I missed and found out the correct answers, some of the questions I just made simple mistakes but some I just honestly had no idea how to figure out. I'm gonna do some major reviewing/studying this weekend and hopefully I will do better on the unit test on Monday.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Chemical Composition Week 2 Post #2

The dreaded weekly quiz...I walked into class feeling pretty confidant that I knew the material and could do well on the quiz. When the quiz landed on my desk I quickly saw that I was wrong, way, way wrong. The first question ruined my good attitude and confidence. Luckily after that the questions got easier and my confidence began to grow again. For the most part, I knew how to answer the questions and felt pretty confident about my answers. This was a  major step up from the Pre-test, which I was incredibly grateful for. Then came the last question, I knew what the question wanted me to do and I did it, but the answer I got was not one of the choices. I redid the problem and continued to get the same answer, I finally just gave up and chose a random answer that was kind of close to the answer I was getting. This was a roller coaster of a test, I started out low, then surprisingly it got better, but I just ended up back in the same place I started.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Chemical Composition Week 2 Post #1

My aha moment for this unit has finally come! I actually understand how to find molar mass, and how to change mass to moles to representative particles, and vice versa. I used to get so confused, with all the steps and the length of the math problems but now it's finally clicked for me! I'm so glad I understand now because we have a quiz tomorrow and I probably would have failed without the help of my lab partner explaining the process to me again in class today. I also found the following websites and pictures to be very beneficial.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Chemical Composition Week 1 Post #1

Today was the dreaded pre-test. It was rough, I knew practically nothing on the test. At one point I even considered abandoning the questions all together and just making a pretty pattern on the bubble sheet. This was the worst pre-test yet, at least on the other ones I recognized some of the information as material that I previously learned, but on this one I was utterly clueless. This was a horrible start to what ended up being an equally horrible day. I'm so glad we don't have school tomorrow because I just really need a breather after the day I've had.