Friday, October 9, 2015

Measurement Week 1 Post #1

Today we took our pre-test for the new unit, it didn't go well, for me at least. This new unit is measurement, so one would think it would be relatively easy, unfortunately, you would be wrong. Except for a handful of questions, I had no idea what the question was asking me and therefore I simply guessed on the answers because I had no clue what I was supposed to be doing. So far this unit had started out poorly, but I'm sincerely hoping that it will improve, otherwise this is just going to go downhill fast, and I'd rather that not happen.

Conversion Practice

Significant Figures

Significant Figures Practice

Addition Rules

Multiplication Rules

Multiplication/Division/Addition/Subtraction Practice


  1. While I didn't know much of the questions. I still found that this chapter will be easier than previous. I think after the notes we took in class I could retake the quiz and be able to do quite well, and you to.

  2. I visited some of your links, and they were very helpful. The charts you included in your post were also very helpful.
