Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Atomic Structure and Radioactivity Week 3 Post #1

Yesterday in class we started the Dating-Radioactive Style Lab. We had to cut up pieces of paper and then shake them around in a plastic cup and then dump them out and separate the pieces that landed colored side up from the ones that landed white side up. The pieces that landed colored side up were set off to the side, while the white side up pieces went back in the cup,  Then, the process began all over again. We repeated this 6 times. The purpose of this lab was to learn about half-life and how radioactive dating can help scientists dating past crimes. Today in class we learned how to graph our data in a Microsoft Excel document, and then answered the post-lab questions that were posed to us about the experiment. The lab was slightly confusing at first, but once I understood the concept it was relatively easy and I liked it because I got to practice how to calculate half-life.


  1. I too understood the concept fairly easy and was glad we did this lab as it really was good practice for half life problems. This lab was very tedious and slightly annoying at times but was worth the time and effort.

  2. You explained what the lab entailed very thoroughly and the pictures added an interesting element to your blog. It is very interesting to read.
