Monday, February 1, 2016

Vitamin C Lab

Last week on Monday and Tuesday we completed the Vitamin C Lab. It was a really fun lab because we got to discover how much Vitamin C was in grapefruit juice, apple juice, V8 juice, and pear nectar, respectively. At the beginning of the lab we each wrote down our guess for the ranking of the vitamin C concentration in each of the juices from lowest to highest. I guessed, in order of lowest to highest, apple juice, pear nectar, V8 juice, grapefruit juice, I was right about grapefruit juice having the highest concentration of vitamin C but the rest of my guess was wrong. The correct order was, from lowest to highest, pear nectar, V8 juice, apple juice, grapefruit juice. Overall I liked the lab because I got to learn something new and interesting about the juice that we tested, like how much of ia certain juice you would need todrink in order to get your %RDA of vitamin C.

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