Monday, February 8, 2016

Acetic Acid Lab

Last week we spent 3 days completing the Percent Acetic Acid in Vinegar lab. First we took 0.5-0.8g KHP and dissolved it in 75mL of distilled water in an erlenmeyer flask by swirling it around in the flask, then we titrated the that solution with NaOH until it turned a faint pink and recorded the volume of NaOH used. The next step was to take 10.00mL of vinegar and dilute it with 90.00 mL of distilled water and then titrate that with the NaOH and record the volume of the NaOH used. We did each part twice and  overall it was a pretty easy and fun lab to do, the only time consuming part was dissolving the KHP in the distilled water.

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