Monday, May 9, 2016

Air bag Lab

Today we got to create our own air bag! We mixed a solution of vinegar and baking soda together to create the gas to fill up our "air bag". We had to write our own procedure for this lab and figure out the calculations we needed to do to determine the right amount of baking soda and vinegar to add. It really wasn't as difficult as I first thought it was going to be and it was a lot of fun to complete the lab!

Study Links!

Below are some helpful study links for the test this Friday!

Boyle's Law

Charles's Law

Avogadros Law


Boyle's Law And Charles's Law Practice

Ideal Gas Law Practice

Thursday, May 5, 2016


This week we started our gas laws unit, the last one of the year ( woot woot) and so far its been pretty easy! We learned about Boyle's Law, Charles' Law, Avogadro's Law, and the Combined gas law. Next week we get to do some cool labs so I'm looking forward to that! Hopefully this unit passes easily and without too much pain, haha.

Post Quiz Thoughts

Well today we had our weekly quiz for our current unit, gas laws, and I feel like I did alright. There we some questions I recognized from the test prep packets, and some questions I got slightly confused on. I was up pretty late studying because I had to work so that probably didn't help any. Overall I think I did okay, and I don't think it will negatively affect my grade too much.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Energy and Phase Change Notes

Heat Capacity of a Metal Lab

Last week we got to find out the specific heat capacity of a metal and we got to test lead's specific heat capacity. First we set up a hot water bath with a beaker on a Bunsen Burner. Then we took a test tube, weighed it, then filled it 1/3 of the way up with lead, and then weighed it again. We then subtracted the weight of the test tube from the weight of the test tube + lead to find the weight of the lead by itself. Then we added the test tube to the hot water bath and let it come to a boil and let it boil for 5 minutes. Then we took the test tube and poured the lead into a Styrofoam cup of room temperature water, while that was happening we measured how hot the water got when the lead was added. Then we used the mcat = mcat formula to determine the specific heat capacity of the metal.
hot water bath!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Put-Put Boats!

We get to put our biodiesel to use! Our next lab was to design a boat with a motor that uses biodiesel. We were supplied with the motor and we used our own biodiesel that we had made previously, so all we had to do was design the boat. We decided to use a half-in-half carton as our boat and the poked holed in the bottom for the motor to go through and then sealed the extra holes with duct tape. After fixing a few leaks our boat worked pretty well! If we got one of the 3 fastest times in our class we would get extra credit! Unfortunately that didn't happen but our boat made it down the track so we got full points!